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WEEK 4 On 4th October 2017 we managed to finish our topic on microscopy. The most interesting part during the lesson on this day was, we've been asked on how are we going to find cure for a new disease that resist to antibiotic. Each group need to come up with their own idea and creativity on how to solve this. From here Dr. can actually see on how the way we came up with ideas and how we think. Honestly, from my side's opinion i actually not into this topic because we mostly learn about microscope which actually not really something new for us. But some are new and interesting to be learn about.  The next class was on 5th October 2017 which was a day earlier than usual since Dr. have to leave on Friday(our usual class). On this day we start with our new topic which is Classification of Microorganism. This day Dr. went through a different way to teach us. We sat in our group and every person in the group need to master one of the subtopic in this chapter. Then, we have to m

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